ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)

ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)

ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)

  • SKU : #DGCAK2.0047209 | MFR : #K2.0047209
ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)
ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)
  • Iris Scale
  • Plug-and-Play with Hi-5 Hand Unit
  • Shifts Iris Scale to Knob Side of LCD
  • Control Iris Motor from Control Knob

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AED 231.39
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ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)

This Smart Iris Marking Ring from ARRI is an auto-detectable iris ring that is plug-and-play when used with the optional Hi-5 hand unit. It features a preprinted precision iris scale with markings from T1.4 to T22, allowing you to accurately adjust the iris from the handwheel. Mounting the iris scale to your Hi-5 shifts the iris scale to the knob side of the lens data display. This provides the operator/DIT with control of the iris motor utilizing the full rotation range of the control knob.


    • ARRI Smart Iris Marking Ring (T1.4 to T22)